Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 10
onnanoko wa hitori de imasu: The girl is alone.
onnanoko wa tomodachi to issho ni imasu: The girl is with her friends.
onnanoko wa okaasan to otoosan to issho ni imasu: The girl is with her mother and father.
onnanoko wa koinu to issho ni imasu: The girl is with a puppy.
akai maiko o motte iru kashu ga hitori de utatte imasu:The singer holding the red mic is singing alone.
kashu ga tomodachi to issho ni utatte imasu:The singer friends are singing together.
onnanohito wa gasshootai to issho ni utatte imasu: The woman is singing with a choir.
onnanohito ga piano o hiki nagara, hitori de utatte imasu: The woman is playing the piano while singing alone.
hana ga onnanohito o kakonde imasu: Flowers are surrounding the woman.
shigemi ga onnanohito o kakonde imasu: Bushes are surrounding the woman.
hon ga onnanohito o kakonde imasu: Books are surrounding the woman.
hitobito ga onnanohito o kakonde imasu: Everyone is surrounding the woman.
onnanohito ga hana ni kakomarete imasu: The woman is surrounded by flowers.
onnanohito ga shigemi ni kakomarete imasu: The woman is surrounded by bushes.
onnanohito ga hon ni kakomarete imasu: The woman is surrounded by books.
onnanohito ga hitobito ni kakomarete imasu: The woman is surrounded by everyone.
shiro dake ga hoka no tatemono kara hanarete oka no ue ni tatte imasu: The castle is the only building because it is separate standing on a hill. (um... i have no idea).
shiro dake ga hoka no tatemono kara hanarete sabaku ni tatte imasu: The castle is the only building because it is separate standing in the desert.
shiro ga hoka no ntatemono ni kakomarete imasu: The castle is surrounded by other buildings.
kyookai ga hoka no tatemono ni kakomarete imasu: The church is surrounded by other buildings.
onnanohito wa hitori de imasu: The woman is alone.
onnanohito wa moo hitori no hito to issho ni imasu: The woman is no longer alone, she is now with a person. (not sure about that translation).
onnanohito wa hito ni kakomarete imasu: The woman is surorunded by people.
teeburu wa isu ni kakomarete imasu: The table is surrounded by chairs.
hitori de iru hito: A single person. (translation??)
futari no hito: Two people.
nanninka no hito: Some people.
oozee no hito: A crowd of people.
onnanoko wa hitori de yonde imasu: The girl is reading alone.
onnanoko wa tomodachi to issho ni asonde imasu: The girl is playing with her friend.
onnanoko wa sensei to issho ni asonde imasu: The girl is playing with her teacher.
onnanoko wa sensei to tomodachi to issho ni aruite imasu: The girl, her teacher, and her friend are walking together.
dareka ga hitori de kaidan o orite imasu: Someone is walking down the stairs alone.
nanninka no hito ga kaidan o orite imasu: Some people are walking down the stairs.
oozee no hito ga kaidan ni tatte imasu: A crowd of people is standing on the stairs.
oozee no hito ga hodoo o aruite imasu: A crowd of people is walking on the curb.
totemo oozee no hito ga kyoosoo shite imasu: The whole crowd of people is racing.
suunin ga otagai ni kyoosoo shite imasu: A few people are racing each other.
kono hito tachi wa kyoosoo wa shite imasu ga, otagai ni dewa arimasen: These people are racing, but they are not racing each other.
kono hito wa hitori de hashitte imasu ga, kyooshoo wa shite imasen: This person is running alone, he is not racing.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 9
banana no fusa: Bunch of bananas.
takusan no budoo no fusa: Many bunches of grapes.
budoo no fusa: Bunch of grapes.
banana no fusa: Bunch of bananas.
ippon no banana: One banana.
budoo no fusa: Bunch of grapes.
hitotsubu no budoo: One grape.
futatsu no ningyoo: Two dolls.
ningyoo no ichidan: Group of dolls.
sukoshi no hana: A few flowers.
takusan no hanataba: Many bouquets.
ittsui no roosoku: One pair of candles.
takusan no tsui no roosoku: Many pairs of candles.
hitokumi no tebukuro: One set of gloves.
takusan no kumi no tebukuro: Many sets of gloves.
hanataba: Bouquet
ippon no hana: One flower.
nihon no hata: Two flags.
takusan no hata: Many flags.
takusan no fuusen: Many balloons.
sukoshi no fuusen: A few balloons.
hitori no keerin senshu: One bike race racer (uh..)
keerin senshu no shuudan: Group of bike race racers.
hitokumi no saikoro: One set of dice.
futakumi no saikoro: Two sets of dice.
hitori no soosha: One runner
soosha no shuudan: Group of runners.
doogu isshiki: Complete set of tools.
daininguruumu no kagu isshiki: Complete set of diningroom furniture.
ryokookaban isshiki: Complete set of luggage.
hitosoroe no naifu: Set of knives.
ginshokki setto: Silverware(?) set.
hitokumi no futago: One set of twins.
chesu isshiki: Complete chess set.
hitosoroe no sara: Set of dishes.
esukareetaa o orite iru kappuru: Couple descending the escalator
futakumi no kappuru: Two sets of couples.
ningyoo no kappuru: Doll couple
hitosoroe no roshia ningyoo: Set of Russian dolls.
Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 8
Otokonohito wa okusan ni kisu o suru tokoro desu.
The man will kiss his wife.
Otokonohito wa okusan ni kisu o shite imasu.
The man is kissing his wife.
Onnanohito wa booru o nageru tokoro desu.
The woman will throw the ball.
Onnanohito wa booru o nagemashita.
The woman threw the ball.
Wakai onnanohito wa otokonohito ni hanashite imasu.
The young woman is talking to the man.
Onnanohito wa dare nimo hanashite imasen. Shokuji o yooi shite imasu.
The woman is talking to no one. She is preparing a meal.
Onnanohito wa otokonohito no ue ni suwatte imasu.
The woman is sitting on the man.
Onnanohito wa kokkingucheaa ni suwatte imasu.
The woman is sitting in the rockingchair.
Onnanohito wa uma ni notte imasu.
The woman is riding a horse.
Daremo uma ni notte imasen.
No one is riding the horse.
Daremo jitensha ni notte imasen.
No one is riding the bike.
Dareka ga jitensha ni notte imasu.
Someone is riding the bike.
Uma wa onnanohito ni kisu o shite imasu.
The horse is giving the woman a kiss.
Daremo uma ni kisu o sarete imasen.
No one is kissing the horse.
The horse is kissing no one?
Booru wa otokonoko ni kerarete imasu
The boy is kicking the ball.
Daremo booru o kette imasen.
No one is kicking the ball.
Onnanohito wa uma ni kisu o sarete imasu.
The woman is giving the horse a kiss.
Daremo onnanohito ni kisu o shite imasen.
No one is kissing the woman.
The woman is kissing no one?
Otokonohito wa booru o kette imasu.
The man is kicking the ball.
Otokonoko wa nanimo kette imasen.
The boy is kicking nothing.
Otokonoko wa koronde imasu.
The boy is falling.
Otokonoko wa korobimashita.
The boy fell.
Otokonohito wa hashigo o nobotte imasu.
The man is climbing the ladder.
Otokonohito wa hashigo o noborimashita.
The man climbed the ladder.
Otokonohito tachi wa hashiru tokoro desu.
The men will run.
Otokonohito tachi wa hashitte imasu.
The men are running.
Otokonohito tachi wa hashirimashita.
The men ran.
Onnanohito tachi wa hashiru tokoro desu.
The women will run.
Onnanohito wa neko o hiroi ageru tokoro desu.
The woman will pick up the cat.
Onnanohito wa necko o hiroi agete imasu.
The woman is picking up the cat.
Onnanohito wa neko o hiroi agete, ude ni daite imasu.
The woman is picking up the cat and holding it in her arms??
Onnanohito wa shimbun o yonde imasu.
The woman is reading a newspaper.
Onnanohito wa yoofuku o kiru tokoro desu.
The woman will put on western clothes.
Onnanohito wa yoofuku o kite imasu.
The woman is dressing in western clothes.
Onnanohito wa yoofuko o kimashita.
The woman put on western clothes.
Otokonohito wa shatsu o kite imasu.
The man is putting on a shirt.
Onnanoko wa atama ni mizu o kakeru tokoro desu.
The girl is going to pour water onto her head.
Onnanoko wa atama ni mizu o kakete imasu.
The girl is pouring water on her head.
Onnanohito wa hon o yomu tokoro desu.
The woman is going to read the book.
Onnanohito wa hon o yonde imasu.
The woman is reading the book.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 7
Two men and one woman.
yonin no otokonohito.
Four men.
hitori no otokonohito.
One man.
sannin no otokonohito to hitori no onnanohito.
Three men and one woman.
hidari no otokonohito wa Chaaruzu kootaishi desu.
The man on the left is prince Charles.
hidari no otokonohito wa Ronarudo Reegan desu.
The man on the left is Ronald Regan.
enzetsu shite iru otokonohito wa Mihairu Gorubachofu desu.
The man giving the speech is Mikhail Gorbachev.
kashu to issho ni iru onnanohito wa Nanshii Reegan desu.
The woman with the singers is Nancy Reagan.
hidari no otokonohito wa Chaaruzu to ii masu.
The man on the left is called Charles? ( confused about to iimasu.)
hidari no otokonohito no namae wa Ronarudo desu.
The man on the left is named Ronald.
otokonohito no namae wa Mihairu desu.
The man is named Mikhail.
kashu no mae ni iru onnanohito wa Nanshii Reegan to ii masu.
The woman with the singers is called Nancy Reagan.
Chaaruzu kootaishi wa Ronarudo Reegan to akushu shite imasu.
Prince Charles is shaking Ronald Reagan's hand. (Or is it Prince Charles and Ronald Reagan are shaking hands.)?
Ronarudo Reegan wa hoka no sannin no otokonohito to issho ni tatte imasu.
Ronald Reegan is standing with three other men.
Mihairu Gorubachofu wa enzetsu o shite imasu.
Mikhail Gorbachev is giving a speech.
Nanshii Reegan wa kashu ni hohoemi kakete imasu.
Nancy Reagan is smiling at the singers.
kochira wa Hiromi desu. onnanoko desu.
This person is Hiromi. She's a girl.
kochira wa Akira desu. otokonoko desu.
This person is Akira. He's a boy.
kochira wa Masako desu. onnanohito desu.
This person is Masako. She's a woman.
kochira wa Kenji desu. otokonohito desu.
This person is Kenji. He's a man.
onnanoko ga "watashi no nomae wa Hiromi de yonsai desu" to itte imasu.
The girl says, "My name is Hiromi and I am four years old."
otokonoko ga "boku no namae wa Akira de jussai desu" to itte imasu.
The boy says "My name is Akira and I am ten years old."
onnanohito ga "watashi no namae wa Masako de nijuunisai desu" to itte imasu.
The woman says "My name is Masako and I am twenty-two years old."
otokonohito ga "boku no namae wa Kenji de nijuusansai desu" to itte imasu.
The man says "My name is Kenji and I am twenty-three years old."
Masako wa kaidan o noboru tokoro desu.
Masako will climb the stairs.
Masako wa kaidan o nobotte imasu.
Masako is climbing the stairs.
Masako wa kaidan o orite imasu.
masako is descending the stairs.
Masako wa kaidan o orimashita.
Masako descended the stairs.
Hiromi wa fuusen o motte imasu.
Hiromi is holding a balloon.
Akira wa fuusen o motte imasu.
Akira is holding a balloon.
Kenji wa ki no ue ni tatte imasu.
Kenji is standing on a tree.
Masako wa ki no ue ni tatte imasu.
Masako is standing on a tree.
Hiromi wa "watashi no fuusen mite" to itte imasu.
Hiromi says, "Look at my balloon."
Akira wa "boku no fuusen mite" to itte imasu.
Akira says, "Look at my balloon."
Kenji wa "mite, boku, ki no ue ni tatte iru" to itte imasu.
Kenji says "Look at me, I'm standing in a tree." (Is this right?)
Masako wa "mite, watashi, ki no ue ni tatte iru" to itte imasu.
Masako says "Look at me, I'm standing in a tree."
Masako to Kenji wa dan ni fumi notte imasu.
Masako and Kenji are stepping onto the step? (uhh...?)
Masako to Kenji wa dan ni tatte imasu.
Masako and Kenji are standing on the step.
Masako to Kenji wa dan kara tobiorita tokoro desu. ashi wa mada jimen ni tsuite imasen.
Masako and Kenji are jumping from the step. Their feet have not yet touched the ground. (I don't know??)
Masako to Kenji wa dan kara tobiorimashita. ashi wa jimen ni tsukimashita.
Masako and Kenji jumped from the step. Their feet touched the ground.
Siggggh... Rosetta stone SUCKS when it comes to understanding grammar.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 6
These people are in a bike race. (still don't know what dete is.)
kono hito tachi wa jitensha reesu ni dete imashita.
These people were in a bike race.
piero wa booshi o kabutte imasu.
The clown is wearing a hat.
piero wa booshi o kabutte imashita.
The clown was wearing a hat.
wakai onnanohito wa yonde imasu.
The young woman is reading.
wakai onnanohito wa yonde imashita.
The young woman was reading.
otokonoko wa tsuri o shite imasu.
The boy is fishing.
otokonoko wa tsuri o shite imashita.
The boy was fishing.
onnanoko wa nawatobi o shite imasu.
The girl is playing jumprope.
onnanoko tachi wa nawatobi o shite imashita.
The girls were playing jumprope.
onnanohito wa nonde imasu.
The woman is drinking.
onnanohito wa nonde imashita.
The woman was drinking.
otoosan to musuko tachi wa jimen o hotte imasu.
The father and his sons are digging the ground. (horu = to dig).
otoosan to musuko tachi wa jimen o hotte imashita.
The father and his sons were digging the ground.
inu wa hon o mite imasu.
The dog is looking at the book.
inu wa hon o mite imashita.
The dog was looking at the book.
otokonohito wa chiisa sugiru shatsu o kite imasu.
The man is wearing a shirt that is too small.
otokonohito wa chiisa sugiru shatsu o kite imashita.
The man was wearing a shirt that was too small.
otokonohito wa jibun no shatsu o kite imasu.
The man is wearing his shirt.
otokonohito wa kono shatsu o kite imashita ga, ima wa otokonoko ga kite imasu.
The man was wearing this shirt, now the boy is wearing it.
otokonohito wa gitaa o hiite imasu.
The man is playing the guitar.
otokonohito wa gitaa o hiite imashita.
The man was playing the guitar.
onnanohito wa gitaa o motte imasu.
The woman is holding the guitar.
onnanohito wa guitaa o motte imashita ga, ima wa otokonoko ga motte imasu.
The woman was holding the guitar, now the boy is holding it.
shingoo wa aka desu.
The traffic light is red.
shingoo wa aka deshita.
The traffic light was red.
otokonohito wa hashigo o nobotte imasu.
The man is climbing the ladder.
otokonohito wa hashigo o nobotta tokoro desu.
The man is climbing the ladder to a place. ?
nanninka no hito ga kuruma o unten shite imasu.
Some people are driving the car.
nanninka no hito ga kuruma o unten shite imashita ga, moo shite imasen.
Some people were driving the car, they are no longer driving.
dareka ga kuruma o unten suru tokoro desu.
Someone will be driving the car.
ikutsuka no kuruma no kii.
A few car keys.
kono inu wa akubi o shite imasu.
This dog is yawning.
kono inu wa furisubii o motte imasu.
This dog is holding a frisbee.
kono wakai otokonohito wa akubi o shite imasu.
This young man is yawning.
kono wakai otokonohito wa tabete imasu.
This young man is eating.
kore ga akubi o shite ita inu desu.
This is the dog that was yawning.
kore wa furisubii o motte ita inu desu.
This is the dog that was holding the frisbee.
kono hito ga akubi o shite ita wakai otokonohito desu.
This person is the young man that was yawning.
kono hito tabete ite wakai otokonohito desu.
This person is the young man that was eating.
[ I'm going to come back and add the Hirigana later... I just don't have time before class at the moment. Wanted to put something up for my own sake though... I feel so lazy lately.]
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 5
onnanohito wa uma ni notte imasu
おんなのひと は うま に のって います。
The woman is riding the horse.
onnanohito wa moo uma ni notte imasen.
おんなのひとは もううまに のって いません。
The woman is no longer riding the horse.
[Note: "moo" is "mou" in Hiragana.]
otokonohito tachi wa jitensha ni notte imasu.
おとこのひと たち は じてんしゃ に のって います。
The men are riding bikes.
otokonohito tachi wa moo notte imasen.
おとこのひと たち は もう のって いません。
The men are no longer riding.
otokonohito tachi wa hashitte imasu.
おとこのひと たち は はしって います。
The men are running.
otokonohito tachi wa moo hashitte imasen.
おとこのひと たち は もうはしていません。
The men are no longer running.
wakai otokonohito tachi wa utatte imasu.
The young men are singing.
wakai otokonohito tachi wa moo utatte imasen.
わかい おとこのひと たち は もう たって いません。
The young men are no longer singing.
otokonohito to onnanohito wa utatte imasu.
The man and woman are singing.
otokonohito to onnanohito wa moo utatte imasen.
The man and woman are no longer singing.
piero wa kigaete imasu.
The clown is getting dressed.
piero wa moo kigaete imasen.
The clown is already dressed. (Or, "The clown is no longer getting dressed.")
kono onnanohito wa tabete imasu.
This woman is eating.
kono onnanohito wa denwa de hanashite imasu.
This woman is talking on the phone.
kono onnanohito wa denwa de hanashite mo inaishi, tabete mo imasen.
This woman is neither talking on the phone nor eating.
kono otokonohito wa denwa de hanashite mo inaishi, tabete mo imasen.
This man is neither talking on the phone nor eating.
kono onnanohito wa utai nagara piano o hiite imasu.
This woman sings while playing the piano.
kono onnanohito wa utatte mo inaishi, piano o hiite mo imasen.
This woman is neither singing nor playing the piano.
kono onnanohito tachi wa doramu o ensoo shinagara, hohoende imasu.
These women are playing the drums while smiling.
kono onnanohito tachi wa doramu o ensoo shite mo inaishi, hohoende mo imasen.
このおんあのひとたちはドラムをえんそしてもいないし ほほえんでもいません。
These women are neither playing the drums nor smiling.
kono hito tachi wa dochiramo utatte imasu.
These women are both(all) singing.
kono hito tachi wa dochiramo utatte imasen.
Neither of these people are singing.
kono hito tachi no uchi hitori dake ga utatte imasu.
These people (don't know what uchi is) except for one are singing.
rokunin minna ga utatte imasu.
All six people are singing.
shiroi fuku o kita otokonohito wa hodoo ni natte imasu.
The man in the white clothes is standing on the curb.
shiroi fuku o kita otokonohito wa moo hodoo ni tatte imasen.
The man in the white clothes is no longer standing on the curb.
basu wa hodoo no ue ni notte imasu.
The bus is riding on the curb.
basu wa moo hodoo no ue ni notte imasen.
The bus is no longer riding on the curb.
yonin minna ga aruite imasu.
All four people are walking.
kono yonin no uchi daremo aruite imasen.
None of these four (uchi??) are walking.
sannin minna ga aruite imasu.
All three people are walking.
kono sannin no uchi daremo aruite imasen.
None of these four (uchi??) are walking.
wakai otokonohito tachi wa dochiramo utatte imasu. dochiramo onnanohito to kisu o shite imasen.
The young men are both singing. Neither of them are kissing women.
otokonohito mo onnanohito mo hanashite imasen.
Neither the man or the woman are talking (mo is like "also" here).
otokonohito mo onnanohito mo kisu o shite imasen.
Neither the man or the woman are kissing.
kuroi shatsu o kita otokonohito ga tatte imasu. tomodachi wa daremo tatte imasen.
The man wearing the black shirt is standing. None of (the or his?) friends are standing.
otokonohito mo onnanohito mo kasa o motte imasu.
The man and the woman are both holding umbrellas.
otokonohito mo onnanohito mo kasa o motte imasen.
Neither the man or the woman are holding umbrellas.
otokonohito mo otokonoko mo booshi o kabutte imasu.
The man and the boy are both wearing hats.
otokonohito mo otokonoko mo booshi o kabutte imasen.
Neither the man or the boy are wearing hats.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 4
hitofukuro no budoo: One bag of grapes.
takusan no fukuro ni haitta pan: Many bags of bread
kara no kamibukuro: Empty paper bag
kamitaoru hitomaki: One roll of papertowels
kamitaoru ichimai: One papertowel
potetochippusu hitofukuro: One bag of potatochips
biniirubukuro ni haitta budoo: plastic bag full of grapes? (not sure how to translate this)
juusu hitobin: Jar of juice
bin hambun no juusu: Jar half full of juice
kara no garasubin: Empty glass jar
toirettopeepaa hitomaki: One roll of toiletpaper
kamitaoru futamaki: Two rolls of papertowels
mampai no kamibukuro: Full paper bag
kara no biniirubukuro: Empty plastic bag
kara no kamibukuro: Empty paper bag
kara no garasubin: Empty glass jar
mampai no garasubin: Full glass jar
takusan no pan: A lot of bread
pan rokkin: Six loafs of bread
kamitaoru hitomaki: One roll of papertowels
toirettopeepaa hitomaki: One roll of toilet paper
mampai no kamibukuro: Full paperbag
kara no kamibukuro: Empty paperbag
tomato: tomato
takusan no tomato: Lots of tomatoes
hako ni haitta takusan no ringo: Boxes with lots of apples inside
kitta suika: Watermellon slices? Cut watermelon?
buutso issoku: Pair of boots
sangurasu ikko: Pair of sunglasses
kagoiri no ringo: Baskets of apples
hakoiri no ringo: Boxes of apples
sanguraso ikko: Pair of sunglasses
tebukuro hitokumi to kutsu issoku: Pair of gloves and pair of shoes
buutsu issoku: Pair of boots
saikoro hitokumi: Pair of dice
hanataba: Bouquet
mittsu no hanataba: Three bouquets
banana: banana
banana no fusa: Lots of bananas?
Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 3
roojin niwa shiroi agohige ga arimasu: The old person has a white beard.
atama no hageta otokonohito ga shikimono o mite imasu: The bald man is looking at the carpet.
atama no hageta otokonohito niwa agohige ga arimasu: The bald man has a beard.
akai choonekutai o shita otokonohito niwa agohige ga arimasu: The man with the red bowtie has a beard.
otokonohito niwa agohige ga arimasu: The man has a beard.
otokonohito wa atama ga hagete imasu: The man is bald.
otokonohito niwa agohige ga arimasen: The man does not have a beard.
onnanohito niwa agohige ga arimasen: The woman does not have a beard.
kono hito tachi wa seefuku o kite imasu: These people are in uniform.
kono hito tachi wa seefuku o kite imasen: These people are not in uniform.
kono otokonohito wa seefuku o kite imasu: This man is in uniform.
kono otokonohito wa seefuku o kite imasen: This man is not in uniform.
kono hito niwa kuchihige wa arimasu ga, agohige wa arimasen: This person has a moustache, not a beard.
kono hito niwa agohige wa arimasu ga, kuchihige wa arimasen: This person has a beard, not a moustache.
kono hito wa agohige to kuchihige ga arimasu: This person has a beard and a moustache.
kono hito niwa kuchihige mo agohige mo arimasen: This person has neither a moustache or beard.
kono choozoo niwa kuchihige ga arimasu: This statue has a moustache.
kono choozoo niwa agohige ga arimasu: This statue has a beard.
kami no nagai onnanohito wa iyaringu o shite imasu: The long haired woman is wearing earrings.
kami no mijikai onnanohito wa iyaringu o shite imasu: The short haired woman is wearing earrings.
kono kappuru wa seesoo shite imasu: This couple is dressed up.
kono kappuru wa seesoo shite imasen: This couple is not dressed up.
kono otokonohito tachi wa seesoo shite imasu: These men are dressed up.
kono otokonohito tachi wa seesoo shite imasen: These men are not dressed up.
kono onnanoko wa kami ga kurokute, hada ga asaguroi desu: This girl has dark hair and dark skin.
akai seetaa o kita otokonoko wa hada ga asaguroi desu: The red sweatered boy has dark skin.
akage no onnanoko wa hada ga usui iro desu: The redheaded boy has light skin.
kuroi shatsu o kita otokonoko wa hada ga usui iro desu: The black shirted boy has light skin.
dochira no wakai onnanohito ga hada ga asaguroi desu ka.: Which young woman has dark skin?
dochira no wakai onnanohito ga hada ga usui iro desu ka.: Which young woman has light skin?
dochira no wakai otokonohito ga hada ga asaguroi desu ka: Which young man has dark skin?
dochira no wakai otokonohito ga hada ga usui iro desu ka: Which young man has light skin?
[For the following, I was very confused about "desu". Does this mean I translate the sentences the way that I have, or do I just say "The woman has..." ... I don't know. :[ ]
onnanohito wa hada ga usui iro de, kami ga mijikai desu: This is a woman with light skin and short hair.
onnanohito wa hada ga usui iro de, kami ga nagakute kimpatsu desu: This is a woman with light skin and long blonde hair.
kono hito wa hada ga asagurokute, kami ga mijikai desu: This is a person with dark skin and short hair.
kono hito wa hada ga asagurokute, kami ga nagai desu: This is a person person with dark shin and long hair.
kono otokonohito wa hada ga asagurokute, kuchige ga arimasu: This man has dark skin and a moustache.
kono otokonohito wa hada ga usui iro de, agohige ga arimasu: This man has light skin and a beard.
kono otokonohito wa hada ga usui iro de, agohige mo kuchihige mo arimasen: This man has light skin, and neither a beard nor moustache.
kono otokonohito wa hada ga asagurokute, agohige mo kuchihige mo arimasen: This man has dark skin, and neither a beard nor moustache.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 2
norikomu = to board, get into
otokonohito wa kuruma ni norikomu tokoro desu: The man will get into the car.
otokonohito wa kuruma ni norikonde imasu: The man is getting into the car.
otokonohito wa basha ni norikomu tokoro desu: The man will board the coach.
otokonohito wa basha ni norikonde imasu: The man is boarding the coach.
tobu = to jump
nageru = to throw
otokonoko wa tobu tokoro desu: The boy will jump.
otokonoko wa tonde imasu: The boy is jumping.
otokonoko wa tobimashita: The boy jumped.
otokonoko wa booru o nageru tokoro desu: The boy will throw the ball.
kaku = to write
onnanohito wa kaku tokoro desu: The woman will write.
onnanohito wa kaite imasu: The woman is writing.
otokonohito wa korobikakate imasu: The man is falling.
otokonohito wa korobimashita: The man fell.
kuru = come from
suberu = descend
otokonoko wa mizu kara dete kuru tokoro desu: The boy is coming from in the water? (don't know about that dete...)
otokonoko wa suberu tokoro desu: The boy will descend.
otokonoko wa subette imasu: The boy is descending.
otokonoko wa mizu no naka ni suberiorimashita: The boy descended into the water.
wataru = to cross
otokonoko wa tobu tokoro desu: The boy will jump.
otokonoko wa tonde imasu: The boy is jumping.
hitobito wa toori o wataru tokoro desu: The people will cross the street.
hitobito wa toori o watatte imasu: The people are crossing the street.
mieru = to look, to see
otokonoko wa booru o mite imasu: The boy is looking at the ball
otokonoko wa booru o nageru tokoro desu: The boy will throw the ball.
otokonohito wa otokonoko o nageru tokoro desu: The man will throw the boy.
otokonohito wa otokonoko o nagemashita: The man threw the boy.
ireru = to insert
suru = to do
onnanohito wa nanika o fukuro no naka ni ireru tokoro desu: The woman will put something inside the bag.
onnanohito wa nanika o fukuro ni iremashita: The woman put something in the bag.
onnanohito wa otokonohito ni kisu o suru tokoro desu: The woman and man will kiss.
onnanohito wa otokonohito ni kisu o shite imasu: The woman and man are kissing.
hairu = to enter
shimeru = to close
onnanohito wa mise ni hairu tokoro desu: The woman will enter the store.
onnanohito wa mise ni haiite iru tokoro desu: The woman is entering the store.
otokonohito wa kuruma no toranku o shimeru tokoro desu: The man will close the car trunk.
otokonohito wa kuruma no toranko o shimemashita: The man closed the car trunk.
noboru = to climb
oriru = to descend
kaidan o noboru tokoro desu: Will climb the stairs
kaidan o nobotte imasu: Climbing the stairs
kaidan o noborimashita: Climbed the stairs.
kaidan o orite imasu: Descending the stairs
kaidan o oriru tokoro desu: Will descend the stairs.
kaidan o orite imasu: Descending the stairs.
kaidan o orimashita: Descended the stairs
kaidan o nobotte imasu: Climbing the stairs.
Still don't know about "dete". Wondering if I translated the sentences without subjects properly.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 1
otokonoko wa hikooki no naka ni imasu: The boy is in the plane.
inu wa furisubii o kuchi ni kuwaete imasu: The dog is holding the frisbee in its mouth.
kappu wa ippai desu: The cup is full.
kooen ni ita kodomo tachi desu: The children that were in the park
otokonoko wa hikooki no naka ni imashita: The boy was in the plane.
inu wa furisubii o kuchi ni kuwaete imashita: The dog had the frisbee in his mouth.
kappu wa ippai deshita: The cup was full.
otokonoko no kuchi wa aite imasu: The boy's mouth is open.
kodomo tachi wa teeburu no ue ni imasu: The children are on the table.
otokonoko no kuchi wa aite imashita: The boy's mouth was open.
kodomo tachi wa teeburu no ue ni imashita: The children were on the table.
onnanohito wa hako o motte imasu: The woman is holding the box.
hako o motte ita onnanohito desu: The woman that was holding the box.
onnanoko tachi wa roopu o motte imasu: The girls are holding the rope.
roopu o motte ita onnanoko tachi desu: The girls that were holding the rope.
otokonohito wa booshi o kabutte imasu: The man is wearing a hat.
booshi o kabutte ita otokonohito desu: The man that was wearing the hat.
aoi fucku no otokonoko ga kumade o te ni motte imasu: The boy in the blue clothes is holding a rake in his hand.
aoi fuku no otokonoko ga kumade o te ni motte imashita: The boy in the blue clothes was holding the rake.
[note: I can't figure out what verb "dete" is, or what it means in these sentences. For now I used the word "participate" since it fits everything thus far. I really have no idea what it is though.]
kono hito tachi wa jitensha reesu ni dete imasu: These people are participating in a bike race.
kono hito tachi wa jitensha reesu ni dete imashita: These people have participated in a race.
kono otokonohito wa jitensha reesu ni dete imasu: This man is participating in a bike race.
kono otokonohito wa jitensha reesu ni dete imashita: This man participated in a race.
otokonoko wa teeburu no ue ni imasu: The boy is on the table.
otokonoko wa teeburu no ue ni imashita: The boy was on the table.
onnanohito wa nooto o motte imasu: The woman is holding a notebook.
onnanohito wa nooto o motte imashita: The woman was holding a notebook.
[Note: In the following, "tokoro" is used as a "place".]
kono hito wa mizu no naka ni imasu: This person is in the water.
kono hito wa mizu no naka ni imashita: This person was in the water.
otokonoko wa kabe no tokoro ni imasu. kabe o nobotte imasu: The boy is on the wall. He is climbing the wall.
otokonoko wa kabe no tokoro ni imashita. kabe kara ochita tokoro desu: The boy was on the wall. He fell from that spot.
kono hito tachi wa pareedo ni dete imasu: These people are participating in a parade.
kono hito tachi wa pareedo ni dete imashita: These people were in a parade.
otokonohito wa torakku no naka ni imasu: The man is in the truck.
otokonohito wa torakku no naka ni imashita: The man was in the truck.
otokonoko wa naka ni imasu: The boy is inside.
otokonoko wa naka ni imashita. ima soto ni imasu: The boy was inside. Now he is outside.
piero wa booshi o kabutte imasu: The clown is wearing a hat.
piero wa booshi o kabutte imashita: The clown was wearing a hat.
I may have gotten some things wrong... only time will tell.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Japanese Unit 5 Lesson 12
roku tasu go wa juuichi: six plus five is eleven.
roku tasu roku wa juuni: six plus six is twelve.
yon tasu san wa nana: four plus three is seven.
yon tasu go wa kyuu: four plus five is nine.
onnanohito no tebukuro: Woman's glove.
otokonohito no tebukuro: Men's gloves.
onnanohito tachi no ashi: Women's legs
onnanhito no ashi: Woman's legs
otokonohito wa keetaidenwa o tsukau tokoro desu. poketto kara dashite imasu: The man will use the cellphone. He's taking it from his pocket.
otokonohito wa keetaidenwa o tsukatte imasu: The man is using the cellphone.
otokonohito wa keetaidenwa o motte imasu ga, tsukatte wa imasen: The man is holding the phone, he is not talking on it.
otokonohito wa akai denwa o tsukatte imasu: The man is using a red phone.
nanahyaku sanjuu yon: 734
nanahyaku yonjuu san: 743
happyaku sanjuu yon: 834
happyaku yonjuu san: 843
onnanohito wa otokonohito ni okane o agete imasu: The woman is giving the man money.
otokonohito wa onnanohito ni kusuri o agete imasu: The man is giving the woman medicine.
onnanohito wa otokonoko ni gitaa o agete imasu: The woman is giving the boy a guitar.
otokonohito wa onnanoko ni gitaa o agete imasu: The man is giving the girl a guitar.
iroiro na shurui no tabemono: Various types of food.
iroiro na shurui no shokubutsu: Various types of plants .
shokubutsu to doobutsu: Plant and animal
nishurui no doobutsu: Two types of animal
piero wa fuku o kiteiru tokoro desu: The clowin is putting on clothes.
piero wa fuku o kite imasu: The clown is wearing clothes.
onnanohito wa fuku o kiteiru tokoro desu: The woman is putting on clothes.
onnanohito wa fuku o kite imasu: The woman is wearing clothes.
kono shashin dewa shibafu yorimo suna ga ooi desu: In this picture, there is more sand than grass.
kono shashin dewa shibafu yorimo suna ga sukunai desu: In this picture, there is more grass than sand.
onnanohito no koppu yorimo onnanoko koppu ni haitte iru gyuunyuu no hoo ga ooi desu: The cup the girl is holding has more milk in it than the cup the woman is holding.
onnanohito no koppu yorimi onnanoko koppu ni haitte iru gyuunyuu no hoo ga sukunai desu: The cup the girl is holding has less milk in it than the cup the woman is holding.
kono otokonohito wa kutsuhimo o musunde imasu: This man is tying his shoelaces.
kono otokonohito wa kubi o kaite imasu: This man is scratching his neck.
piero wa hana o yubisashite imasu: The clown is pointing to his nose.
piero wa atama o kaite imasu: The clown is scratching his head.
watashi tachi wa tsukarete imasu: We are tired.
watashi wa tsukarete imasu. kare wa tsukarete imasen.: I am tired. He is not tired.
watashi tachi wa tsukarete imasen. kare wa tsukarete imasu.: We are not tired. He is tired.
watashi wa tsukarete imasu. kanojo wa tsukarete imasen: I am tired. She is not tired.
Japanese Unit 5 Lesson 11
watashi wa booshi o kabutte imasu: I have a hat on.
watashi wa kami ga kuroi desu: I have black hair.
watashi wa atama ga hagete imasu: I have a bald head. (I am bald).
watashi tachi wa samui desu: We are cold.
watashi tachi wa atsui desu: We are hot.
watashi wa samui desu: I am cold.
watashi wa atsui desu: I am hot.
watashi wa tsukarete imasu: I am tired.
watashi wa tsukarate imasen. nawatobi o shite imasu: I am not tired. I'm playing jumprope.
watashi tachi wa tsukarete imasu: We are tired.
watashi tachi wa tsukarete imasen: We are not tired.
watashi wa chikara ga tsuyoi desu: I am strong.
watashi wa chikara ga yowai desu: I am weak.
watashi tachi wa hashitte imasu. tsukarete imasen: We are running. We are not tired.
watashi tachi wa tashite imasu. tsukarete imasu: We are running. We are tired.
watashi wa byooki desu: I am sick.
watashi wa kenkoo desu: I am healthy.
watashi wa aoi tori desu: I am a blue bird.
watashi wa atama ga akai tori desu: I am a red-headed bird.
watashi wa onaka ga suite iru otokonohito desu: I am a man with an empty stomach.
watashi wa onaka ga ippai no otokonohito desu: I am a man with a full stomach.
watashi wa onaka ga suite iru onnanohito desu: I am a woman with an empty stomach.
watashi wa onaka ga ippai no onnanohito desu: I am a woman with a full stomach.
watashi tachi wa ureshii desu: We are happy.
watashi tachi wa kanashii desu: We are sad.
watashi wa ureshii desu: I am happy.
watashi wa kanashee desu: I am sad.
watashi tachi wa tsukarete imasu: We are tired.
watashi wa tsukarete imsau. kare wa tsukarete imasen: I am tired. He is not tired.
watashi tachi wa tsukarete imasen. kare wa tsukarete imasu: We are not tired. He is tired.
watashi wa tsukarete imasu. kanojo wa tsukarete imasen.: I am tired. She is not tired.
watashi wa byooki desu: I am sick.
watashi wa nodo ga kawaite imasu: I am thirsty.
watashi wa samui desu: I am cold.
watashi wa kanemochi desu: I am a rich man.
watashi wa nonde imasen. anata ga nonde imasu: I am not drinking. The other (or the lady) is drinking.
watashi wa onaka ga suite imasu: I am hungry. (I have an empty stomach.)
watashi tachi wa samui desu: We are cold.
watashi tachi wa atsukute tsukarete imasu: We are hot and tired.
Japanese Unit 5 Lesson 10
onnanoko wa te o futte imasu: The girl is waving her hand.
otokonohito wa te o futte imasu: The man is waving his hand.
onnanohito wa te o futte imasu: The woman is waving her hand.
hitori no piero wa te o futte imasu: One clown is waving his hand.
hitori no piero wa te o poketto ni irete imasu: One clown has his hand in his pocket.
piero tachi wa te o futte imasu: The clowns are waving their hands.
suwatte iru piero ga te o futte imasu: The sitting clown is waving his/her hand.
onnanohito wa seki o shite imasu: The woman is coughing.
otokonohito wa kushami o shite imasu: The man is sneezing.
kono otokonoko wa takoito o kuchi ni kuwaete imasu: This boy is holding a kite string in his mouth.
kono wakai otokonohito wa shita o dashite imasu: This young man is extending his tongue.
[kamu : to blow (one's nose)
suru: to do]
otokonohito wa ude o kunde imasu: The man is folding his arms. (don't know what kunde's base verb is).
otokonohito wa akubi o shite imasu: The man is yawning.
otokonohito wa kushami o shite imasu: The man is sneezing.
otokonohito wa hana o kande imasu: The man is blowing his nose.
[musubu = to tie; kaku or kizu = to scratch; yubisasu = to point at]
kono otokonohito wa kutsuhimo o musunde imasu: This man is tying his shoelaces.
kono otokonohito wa kubi o kaite imasu: This man is scratching his neck.
piero wa hana o yubisashite imasu: The clown is pointing to his nose.
piero wa atama o kaite imasu: The clown is scratching his head.
benchi ni iru onnanohito wa tsukarete imasu: The woman on the bench is tired.
otokonohito wa tsukarete imasu: The man is tired.
otokonohito wa tsukarete irunode, akubi o shite imasu: The man is tired so he is yawning.
otokonoko wa naite imasu: The boy is crying.
onnanohito wa totemo kanashii desu: The woman is very sad.
otokonohito wa kangaete imasu: The man is considering (thinking?).
kono otokonohito tachi wa tsukarete imasen: These men are not tired.
kono otokonohito tachi wa tsukarete imasu: These men are tired.
[deru = appear, come forth, leave. I don't understand its usage in the following sentences.]
onnanohito wa kanashii desu. kanojo wa sooshiki ni dete imasu: The woman is sad. She is at a funeral.
otokonohito wa totemo ureshii desu: The man is very happy.
kono otokonihito tachi wa reesu ni demashita. totemo tsukarete imasu. These men finished a race. They are very tired.
kono otokonohito wa reesu ni deru tokoro desu. sutoretchi o shite imasu: This man will race. He is stretching.
["deshoo" is actually "desho" and means something like probably. It has a few uses, look 'em up! "torimashita" is the past form of "toru", to earn (among other things). ]
futari no rannaa wa reesu o oeru tokoro desu. akai shatsu no hito ga katsu deshoo.: The two runners will finish the race. [oeru = finish] The person with the red shirt will probably win.
otokonohito wa totemo ureshii desu. medaru o futatsu tori mashita: The man is very happy. He's earned two medals.
kono onnanohito wa yorokonde utatte imasu: This woman is happy and singing.
otokonoko wa kanashii node, naite imasu: The boy si sad so he's crying.
[hiroiageru=to pick up (remember the dog and the hat pics?)]
otokonohito wa hitai o kaite imasu: The man is scratching his forehead.
otokonoito wa kangaete imasu: The man is considering (thinking).
kodomo wa jimen kara nanika o hirotte imasu: The child is picking something up from the ground.
onnanohito wa jimen kara nanika o hirotte imasu: The woman is picking something up from the grown.
Little easier than last time, but a lot of this vocab isn't really sticking with me. x_x
Japanese Unit 5 Lesson 9
futari ga ichidai no jitensha ni notte imasu: Two people are riding one bike.
hitori ga jitensha ni notte iru futari no aida ni tatte imasu: One person is standing between two people riding bikes.
hitori ga jitensha ni notte ite, futari ga aruite imasu: One person is riding a bike, two people are walking.
takusan no hitobito ga takusan no jitensha ni notte imasu: A lot of people are riding a lot of bikes.
teeburu yorimo isu ga ooi desu: There are more chairs than tables.
akai ringo yorimo midori no ringo ga ooi desu: There are more green apples than red apples.
onnanoko no koppu to onaji ryoo no gyuunyuu ga onnanohito no koppu ni haitte imasu: The girl and woman are both holding cups full of milk. (no idea how this is supposed to be really translated).
otokonohito no migite yorimo hidarite ni aru kyandii ga ooi desu: There is more candy in the man's left hand than his right hand.
isu yorimo teeburu ga sukunai desu: There are fewer tables thanchairs.
midori no ringo yorimo akai ringo ga sukunai desu: There are fewer red apples than green apples.
dochira no koppu nimo onaji ryoo no gyuunyuu ga haitte imasu: They are both holding cups full of the same amount of milk. (I don't understand if dochira is referring to both cups, or both people).
otokonohito no hidarite yorimo migite ni aru kyandii ga sukunai desu: The man is holding less candy in his right hand than in his left hand.
tabemono ga sukoshi kono obon no ue ni arimasu: There is a little food on this platter (I don't know what "obon" is.)
tabemono ga takusan kono obon no ue ni arimasu: There is a lot of food on this platter.
kono shashin dewa rikuchi yorimo suiiki ga sukunai desu: In this picture there is less sea than land.
kono shashin dewa rikuchi yorimo suiiki ga ooi desu: In this picture there is more sea than there is land.
kono shashin dewa shibafu yorimo suna ga ooi desu: In this picture there is more sand than grass.
kono shashin dewa shibafu yorimo suna ga sukunai desu: In this picture there is less sand than grass.
onnanohito no koppu yorimo onnanoko no koppu ni haitte iru gyuunyuu no hoo ga ooi desu: The cup the girl is holding has more milk in it than the woman's cup.
onnanohito no koppu yorimo onnanoko no koppu ni haitte iru gyuunyuu no hoo ga sukunai desu: The cup the girl's holding has less milk in it than the woman's cup.
[Note: I'm not sure how to translate those sentences about the milk-cups at all. The order seems so very confusing to me. This depresses me. At least I got the jist.]
watashi tachi wa otokonoko tachi o kazoeru koto ga dekimasu. hitori, futari, sannin: We can count the boys. One, two, three.
watashi tachi wa otokonoko tachi o kazoeru koto ga dekimasu. hitori, futari, sannin, yonin: We can count the boys. One, two, three, four.
watashi tachi wa otokonoko tachi o kazoeru koto ga dekimasu. hitori, futari, sannin, yonin, gonin, rokunin.: We can count the boys. One, two, three, four, five, six.
watashi tachi wa roosoku o kazoeru koto ga dekimasu. ippon, nihon, sambon, yohon, gohon.: We can count the candles. One, two, three, four, five.
[Note: The following may be completely wrong. After searching the internet for a very long time, I think I learned that "kazoe rarenai" is really one word that means "can't count" and "hodo" is a particle that stands for an upper limit]
koin ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan arimasu: There are too many coins to count.
tori ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan imasu: There are too many birds to count.
hana ga kazoerarenai hodo takusan arimasu: There are too many flowers to count.
fuusen ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan arimasu: There are too many balloons to count.
sukoshi no fuusen: A few balloons
kazoe rarenai hodo takusan aru fuusen: Can't count how many balloons there are.
sukoshi no hitobito: A few people
kazoe rarenai hodo takusan iru hitobito: Cant count how many people there are.
hito ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan imasu: There are too many people to count.
hito ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan wa imasen: There are not too many people to count.
booshi ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan arimasu: There are too many hats to count.
booshi ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan wa arimasen: There are not too many hats to count.
hana ga takusan arimasu: There are a lot of flowers.
hana ga sukoshi shika arimasen: There are only a few flowers.
doobutsu ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan imasu: There are too many animals to count.
doobotsu ga niwa shika imasen: There are only two animals.
[Note: "shika" is a particle that means "only", and must be followed by a negative verb.]
Well this was very hard and I'm not even sure what I got wrong. It's difficult to tell. v_v