futari ga ichidai no jitensha ni notte imasu: Two people are riding one bike.
hitori ga jitensha ni notte iru futari no aida ni tatte imasu: One person is standing between two people riding bikes.
hitori ga jitensha ni notte ite, futari ga aruite imasu: One person is riding a bike, two people are walking.
takusan no hitobito ga takusan no jitensha ni notte imasu: A lot of people are riding a lot of bikes.
teeburu yorimo isu ga ooi desu: There are more chairs than tables.
akai ringo yorimo midori no ringo ga ooi desu: There are more green apples than red apples.
onnanoko no koppu to onaji ryoo no gyuunyuu ga onnanohito no koppu ni haitte imasu: The girl and woman are both holding cups full of milk. (no idea how this is supposed to be really translated).
otokonohito no migite yorimo hidarite ni aru kyandii ga ooi desu: There is more candy in the man's left hand than his right hand.
isu yorimo teeburu ga sukunai desu: There are fewer tables thanchairs.
midori no ringo yorimo akai ringo ga sukunai desu: There are fewer red apples than green apples.
dochira no koppu nimo onaji ryoo no gyuunyuu ga haitte imasu: They are both holding cups full of the same amount of milk. (I don't understand if dochira is referring to both cups, or both people).
otokonohito no hidarite yorimo migite ni aru kyandii ga sukunai desu: The man is holding less candy in his right hand than in his left hand.
tabemono ga sukoshi kono obon no ue ni arimasu: There is a little food on this platter (I don't know what "obon" is.)
tabemono ga takusan kono obon no ue ni arimasu: There is a lot of food on this platter.
kono shashin dewa rikuchi yorimo suiiki ga sukunai desu: In this picture there is less sea than land.
kono shashin dewa rikuchi yorimo suiiki ga ooi desu: In this picture there is more sea than there is land.
kono shashin dewa shibafu yorimo suna ga ooi desu: In this picture there is more sand than grass.
kono shashin dewa shibafu yorimo suna ga sukunai desu: In this picture there is less sand than grass.
onnanohito no koppu yorimo onnanoko no koppu ni haitte iru gyuunyuu no hoo ga ooi desu: The cup the girl is holding has more milk in it than the woman's cup.
onnanohito no koppu yorimo onnanoko no koppu ni haitte iru gyuunyuu no hoo ga sukunai desu: The cup the girl's holding has less milk in it than the woman's cup.
[Note: I'm not sure how to translate those sentences about the milk-cups at all. The order seems so very confusing to me. This depresses me. At least I got the jist.]
watashi tachi wa otokonoko tachi o kazoeru koto ga dekimasu. hitori, futari, sannin: We can count the boys. One, two, three.
watashi tachi wa otokonoko tachi o kazoeru koto ga dekimasu. hitori, futari, sannin, yonin: We can count the boys. One, two, three, four.
watashi tachi wa otokonoko tachi o kazoeru koto ga dekimasu. hitori, futari, sannin, yonin, gonin, rokunin.: We can count the boys. One, two, three, four, five, six.
watashi tachi wa roosoku o kazoeru koto ga dekimasu. ippon, nihon, sambon, yohon, gohon.: We can count the candles. One, two, three, four, five.
[Note: The following may be completely wrong. After searching the internet for a very long time, I think I learned that "kazoe rarenai" is really one word that means "can't count" and "hodo" is a particle that stands for an upper limit]
koin ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan arimasu: There are too many coins to count.
tori ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan imasu: There are too many birds to count.
hana ga kazoerarenai hodo takusan arimasu: There are too many flowers to count.
fuusen ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan arimasu: There are too many balloons to count.
sukoshi no fuusen: A few balloons
kazoe rarenai hodo takusan aru fuusen: Can't count how many balloons there are.
sukoshi no hitobito: A few people
kazoe rarenai hodo takusan iru hitobito: Cant count how many people there are.
hito ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan imasu: There are too many people to count.
hito ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan wa imasen: There are not too many people to count.
booshi ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan arimasu: There are too many hats to count.
booshi ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan wa arimasen: There are not too many hats to count.
hana ga takusan arimasu: There are a lot of flowers.
hana ga sukoshi shika arimasen: There are only a few flowers.
doobutsu ga kazoe rarenai hodo takusan imasu: There are too many animals to count.
doobotsu ga niwa shika imasen: There are only two animals.
[Note: "shika" is a particle that means "only", and must be followed by a negative verb.]
Well this was very hard and I'm not even sure what I got wrong. It's difficult to tell. v_v

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