onnanohito wa aruite imasu ka. hai, aruite imasu: Is the woman walking? Yes, she is walking.
otokonoko wa hohoende imasu ka. hai, hohoende imasu: Is the boy smiling? Yes, he is smiling.
kodomo tachi wa asonde imasu ka. hai, asonde imasu: Are the children playing? Yes, they are playing.
onnanohito wa hohoende imasu ka. hai, hohoende imasu: Is the woman smiling? Yes, she is smiling.
kodomo tachi wa tobiorite imasu ka. hai, tobiorite imasu: Are the children jumping? Yes, they are jumping.
kodomo tachi wa tobiorite imasu ka. iie, suwatte imasu: Are the children jumping? No, they are sitting.
otokonohito wa uma ni notte imasu. hai, uma ni notte imasu: Is the man riding the horse? Yes, he is riding the horse.
otokonohito wa uma ni notte imasu. iie, aruite imasu: Is the man riding the horse? No, he is walking.
kare wa baiorin o hiite imasu ka. hai, hiite imasu.: Is he playing the violin? Yes, he is playing the violin.
kare wa baiorin o hiite imasu ka. iie, hiite imasen.: Is he playing the violin? No, he is not playing the violin.
jitensha wa joogesakasama desu ka. iie, jooge tadashii desu: Is the bike upside down? No, it is right side up. (?)
jitensha wa joogesakasama desu ka. hair, sakasama desu: Is the bike upside down? Yes, it is upside down.
kuruma wa kiiroi desu ka. hai, kiiroi desu: Is the car yellow? Yes, it is yellow.
kuruma wa kiiroi desu ka. iie, kiiro kuwa arimasen: Is the car yellow? No, it is not yellow.
otokonoko tachi wa tobikonde imasu ka. hai, tobikonde imasu: Are the boys jumping? Yes, they are jumping.
otokonoko tachi wa tobikonde imasu ka. iie, tobikonde imasen: Are the boys jumping? No, they are not jumping.
(The following sentences didn't have a particular subject in mind, so I just wrote THEY)
nani o shite imasu ka. hashitte imasu: What are they doing? Running.
nani o shite imasu ka. aruite imasu. What are theydoing? Walking.
nani o shite imasu ka. jitensha ni notte imasu: What are they doing? Riding a bike.
nani o shite imasu ka. uma ninotte imasu: What are they doing? Riding a horse.
otokonoko wa nani o shite imasu ka. otoosan to asonde imasu: What is the boy doing? Playing with father.
otokonoko wa nani o shite imasu ka. aruite imasu: What is the boy doing? Walking.
otokonoko wa nani o shite imasu ka. yoko ni natte imasu: What is the boy doing? Laying down.
otokonoko wa nani o shite imasu ka. jibun no inu to asonde imasu: What is the boy doing? Playing with his dog.
(I had some issues with "jibun" but I am going to guess that in this lesson it delineates ownership.)
otokonohito wa nani o shite imasu ka. mizo o nonde imasu: What is the man doing? Drinking water.
otokonohito wa nani o shite imasu ka. gitaa o hiite imasu: What is the man doing? Playing guitar.
otokonohito wa nani o shite imasu ka. seetaa o kiteiru tokoro desu: What is the man doing? Putting on a sweater.
otokonohito wa nani o shite imasu ka. jibun no musuko to issho ni suwatte imasu: What is the man doing? Sitting together with his son.
kare wa koronde imasu ka. koronde iru kamo shiremasen: Is he falling? He isnt falling yet. (dont know???)
kare wa ochite imasu ka. hai, ochite imasu: Is he falling? Yes, he's falling.
otokonohito wa ochite imasu ka. iie, ochite imasen: Is the boy falling? No, he is not falling.
kanojo tachi wa koronde imasu ka. iie, koronde imasen.: Are the girls falling? No, the girls are not falling.
otokonoko wa hohoende imasu ka. hai, hohoende imasu.: Is the boy smiling? Yes, the boy is smiling.
otokonohito wa hohoende imasu ka. iie, hohoende imasen: Is the man smiling? No, he's not.
kanojo wa hohoende imasu ka. hai, hohoende imasu: Is she smiling? Yes, she is.
inu wa hohoende imasu ka. inu wa hohoemu koto ga dekimasu ka. Is the dog smiling? Is a dog able to smile?
sore wa kouma desu ka. hai, kouma desu: Is that a pony? Yes, it is a pony.
sore wa inu desu ka. hai, inu desu.: Is that a dog? Yes, it is a dog.
sore wa inu desu ka. iie, neko desu: Is that a dog? No, it's a cat.
sore wa inu desu ka. iee, sakana desu: Is that a dog? No, it's a fish.
I'm beginning to understand how people can come up with different translations for the same thing. Because Japanese speech is so different than English, things can be left out, or reworded to mean the same thing when translating. I find this fact of communication very interesting. I'm not even sure which methods I like best. How fun!
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