Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Japanese Unit 6 Lesson 4

hitofukuro no sakana: One bag of fish.
hitofukuro no budoo: One bag of grapes.
takusan no fukuro ni haitta pan: Many bags of bread
kara no kamibukuro: Empty paper bag

kamitaoru hitomaki: One roll of papertowels
kamitaoru ichimai: One papertowel
potetochippusu hitofukuro: One bag of potatochips
biniirubukuro ni haitta budoo: plastic bag full of grapes? (not sure how to translate this)

juusu hitobin: Jar of juice
bin hambun no juusu: Jar half full of juice
kara no garasubin: Empty glass jar
toirettopeepaa hitomaki: One roll of toiletpaper

kamitaoru futamaki: Two rolls of papertowels
mampai no kamibukuro: Full paper bag
kara no biniirubukuro: Empty plastic bag
kara no kamibukuro: Empty paper bag

kara no garasubin: Empty glass jar
mampai no garasubin: Full glass jar
takusan no pan: A lot of bread
pan rokkin: Six loafs of bread

kamitaoru hitomaki: One roll of papertowels
toirettopeepaa hitomaki: One roll of toilet paper
mampai no kamibukuro: Full paperbag
kara no kamibukuro: Empty paperbag

tomato: tomato
takusan no tomato: Lots of tomatoes
hako ni haitta takusan no ringo: Boxes with lots of apples inside
kitta suika: Watermellon slices? Cut watermelon?

buutso issoku: Pair of boots
sangurasu ikko: Pair of sunglasses
kagoiri no ringo: Baskets of apples
hakoiri no ringo: Boxes of apples

sanguraso ikko: Pair of sunglasses
tebukuro hitokumi to kutsu issoku: Pair of gloves and pair of shoes
buutsu issoku: Pair of boots
saikoro hitokumi: Pair of dice

hanataba: Bouquet
mittsu no hanataba: Three bouquets
banana: banana
banana no fusa: Lots of bananas?


Anonymous said...

hmm test

Unknown said...


mushroommunk said...

Thanks so much, this really helped me with my Japanese lesson.