Monday, February 9, 2009

Japanese Unit 4 Lesson 4

I wonder if I got any of these wrong... I know one thing... it's getting harder to translate exact word for word. I am understanding the sentence in Japanese, but to write it verbaitum in English makes it sound really stupid. For example, instead of saying

"Kono otokonohito tachi wa hanashite imasu " is "This group of men is talking."
I'd say "These men are talking".... hopefully anyone who looks here for reference understands that kono isnt "these"!

Also, I use speak and talk interchangeably, both for the verb "hanasu"


Gorubachofu wa hanashite imasu:
Gorbachev is talking.
sannin no otokonohito wa hanashite imasu: Three men are talking.
kiiroi shatsu o kita otokonohito wa hanashite imasu: The man with the yellow shirt is talking.
onnanohito wa hanashite imasu: The woman is talking.

kono otokonohito wa hanashite imasu: This man is talking.
kono otokonohito wa chesu o shite imasu: This man is playing chess.
kono otokonohito wa hanashite imasu: This man is speaking.
kono otokonoko wa yoko ni natte imasu: This boy is laying down.

otokonoko wa otokonohito ni hanashite imasu: The boy is talking to the man.
otokonohito wa otokonoko ni hanashite imasu: The man is talking to the boy.
aoi fuku o kita onnanohito wa akai fuku o kita onnanohito ni hanashite imasu: The woman with blue clothes is talking to the woman with red clothes.
onnonohito wa otokonohito ni hanashite imasu: The woman is talking to the man.

otokonoko wa otokonohito ni hikooki ni tsuite hanashite imasu: The boy is talking to the man about the plane.
otokonohito wa otokonoko ni hikooki ni tsuite hanashite imasu: The man is talking to the boy about the plane.
otokonohito wa toranshiibaa de hanashite imasu: The man is talking on a tranciever.
otokonohito wa keetaidenwa de hanashite imasu: The man is talking on a cellphone.

kono onnanohito wa onnanoko ni hon ni tsuite hanashite imasu: This woman is talking to the girl about the book.
futari no onnanohito wa ueki ni tsuite hanashite imasu: The two women are talking about plants.
kono onnanohito wa hanashite imasen. waratte imasu: This woman is not talking. She's laughing.
futari no onnanoko wa zenzen hanashite imasen: The two girls aren't talking at all.

kono onnanohito wa hanashite imasen: This woman is not talking.
kono otokonohito tachi wa hanashite imasen: These men are not talking.
kono otokonohito tachi wa hanashite imasu: These men are talking.
kono onnanohito wa hanashite imasu: This woman is talking.

otokonohito wa denwa de hanashite imasu: The man is talking on the phone.
onnanohito wa denwa de hanashite imasu: The woman is talking on the phone.
otokonohito wa denwa de hanashite imasen: The man is not talking on the phone.
onnanohito wa denwa de hanashite imasen: The woman is not talking on the phone.

dochira no otokonohito ga hanasu koto ga dekimasu ka.: Which man can talk?
kono onnanohito tachi wa hanasu koto ga dekimasu: These women can talk.
dochira no otokonohito ga hanasu koto ga dekimasen ka: Which man cannot speak?
kono onannohito tachi wa hanasu koto ga dekimasen. mankekin desu: These women cannot speak. They're mannequins.

otokonohito wa nonde iru node, ima hanasu koto ga dekimasen: Since the man is drinking, he can't talk just now. (ima = just now, node = since or because)
otokonohito wa nonde inai node, hanasu koto ga dekimasu: Since the man is not drinking, he can talk.
otokonoko wa mizu no naka ni iru node, hanasu koto ga dekimasen: Since the boy is in the water, he can't talk.
otokonoko wa mizu no naka ni inai node, hanasu koto ga dekimasu: Since the boy is not in the water, he can talk.

dochira no otokonohito ga hanasu koto ga dekimasen ka.: Which man cannot speak?
dochira no otokonohito ga hanasu koto ga dekimasu ka.: Which man can speak?
dochira no otokonoko ga hanasu koto ga dekimasu ka.: Which boy can speak?
dochira no otokonoko ga hanasu koto ga dekimasen ka: Which boy cannot speak?

Very interesting, Rosetta Stone. Very interesting. Time to watch the BF play Re: Chain of Memories.

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